Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Mantra Needed

I read this post by Natalie Whipple and something about it struck a chord.

By the way if you don’t already, I highly suggest you to follow her blog. It’s filled with educational, thoughtful and inspirational posts. Like this one.

She’s talking about the difference between fixing a problem in a story and polishing the story to make it shine and how the former is inherently negative and the latter is more positive. If you focus on the problems, they will expand until one day, they are all you can see.

I hate to admit it, but she’s right. And why don’t I want to admit it? Because I’m one those who focuses on the problem. ‘How can I fix this?’ is a mantra that is on repeat in my mind. This need to fix things is inherent in me, whether it is in regards to my stories of my life in general.

I’ve recently begun to wonder if I should try to dial it back a bit (and look at me, trying to fix the problem of me trying fix my problems – is your head spinning as well? Ahem. Anyway.).

You might say that it’s just a matter of semantics, but if you’re a writer like me, you know that words have power. Words really do shape the way we look at the world and more importantly, how we act.

I need to find a new mantra. Instead of ‘How can I fix this?’ I need something that focuses on the positive aspects of my story/my life/my everything.

Once I find it, I’ll be sure to let you know what it is.


Natalie Whipple said...

For me, I try to say "How can I make this sing?" I feel like it acknowledges the good, while also saying there's room to make it great:)

Cat Jensen said...

Oh I like the analogy to music. Because sometimes, if a note falls flat, you only have to tune the instruments a tiny bit to make it all better, to make the harmony of the chords sound heavenly.

Thanks for stopping by!