Tuesday, March 15, 2011

If colors could be boys...

I'm going to the dentist later today. Nothing major, and hopefully nothing that will hurt. But I expect it to be a costly affair, unfortunately.

Instead of dwelling on ‘Bad stuff’ (always a such evil time-sucker) I’ll think of ‘Happy stuff!’

This being some of the stuff that in some capacity can make me smile.

First off, have you ever been to MLIA.com? It’s a webpage dedicated to all the average people out there and it consists of small stories from average people (of course, some of the stories are more awesome than average, but they make me smile none-the-less).

And of course there is Aaron Paul.
He doesn't like going to the dentist either...  

I like the color purple. Like, really like it. If purple were a boy, I would date him. He would have the cutest smile with dimples, and ruffled, untamed hair. And his skater-clothes would be too big, but somehow just the right size for him.

But uhm yeah. Until that day when scientists can successfully turn a color into a guy, I’ll just dye my hair purple and let that be that.

Me with purple hair. It’s almost all gone now, but rest assured, the purple will be back. Unless I decide to go with green, because, yeah. If green were a boy he would stare at me seductively and ignore me at the same time. He would have that whole Chuck Bass-thing going for him.

Dentist in T-90 minutes. Wish me luck!

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