Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Taxes, taxes, taxes...

I am sitting at my local café feeling like my mind has been turned into stale marshmallow fluff. I spent the whole day figuring out how to file my taxes with the IRS. Reading informational pamphlets. Following instructional manuals. Crunching numbers.

The form I filled out is 2 pages. The instructions to filling out those two pages are 175 pages. The pamphlet containing further information about the form is a staggering 295 pages.

If you need a total of 470 pages to explain the functionality of a form that is two pages long, then you’re doing something wrong.

It’s actually quite funny if you think about it.

Sad, infuriating and stupid. But also definitely funny.

I guess if you can’t beat them, you can always ‘point-laugh’ at them.

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