Monday, May 30, 2011

If there are no limits, where do you start?

Have you guys seen the movie ‘Limitless’? Trailer below.

The movie is about a struggling writer, barely able to complete a sentence, let alone a manuscript. He’s depressed. He’s just been dumped by his girlfriend of several years. He’s a low as he’d ever been.
Then these pills come along.

He takes one and suddenly sees the world in a whole different way.

It’s like he has superpowers, but all that these pills do, is enable him to use the full capacity of his brain, to remember everything he’s ever read/seen/heard, and to simply connect the dots.

They allow him to see the bigger picture and how to get to where he wants.

One of the first things he does when he gets this ability is clean his apartment.

Isn't that just perfect?

He walks into his apartment and sees it like a stranger would. He evaluates his surroundings, deem that they are insufficient and then immediately starts to improve on them. He doesn’t move on. He doesn’t give up.  He simply starts from where he is, and begins to improve on what is right in front of him.

He could have left the apartment and never look back. He could have shut out the clutter and sit down to write. He could have torched the place. He could have gone anywhere in the world.

But he didn’t.

A man with a four digit IQ, decided that the best thing he could spend his time on, would be to clean his apartment.

Because you have to improve on what's right in front of you, if you want to move forward.

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