Saturday, October 2, 2010

Being vs. trying

(Pop fiction is a source of many of my inspirational qoutes - don't judge)

Do or do not. There is no try.

These are words I try to live by. Is anybody else seeing the irony of this?

Anyway. I really do believe that the words we use, shape not just how we see the world, but how we interact in it as well.
If I constantly refer to myself as somebody who is trying to be a writer, then that is all I will ever be. I will never be a writer. I’ll only ever be dreaming about it and trying.

Following this train of thought, then I have to refer to myself as a writer, to actually be a writer. Theories of social construction supports this notion and it feels true. If you want to be a certain way, you have to own it.  Strangely enough, it’s not enough to just walk the walk, you have to also talk the talk. And sometimes, that is the hardest part.

So this blog is essentially about me, talking the talk.

My name is Cathy L. Jensen and I am a writer.

I’m not trying. I’m not even dreaming. I just am.

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