Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Time travelling

I’m going to travel for 11 hours tomorrow and land 2 hours into the future.

Also known as going on a jet plane and flying to San Francisco.

I leave for the airport in 10 hours. I haven’t packed a thing yet and my apartment is a mess. But I have caffeine on my side. And sugar.

You should drop by and say hello. Not in my apartment. That would be weird, since I’m leaving very soon. And I don’t think my roommate would appreciate you just dropping by.

No, come to San Francisco instead. I’ll be there until the 18th of October.

It feels weird going back. I’ll only be there for 16 days and that’s just not enough.

To be honest I don’t know why I’m going. To see the city, I guess. To get away from Denmark. But it’s not like me to do stuff without and explicit purpose – without a plan. But this time I haven’t had time to plan. I just booked the ticket and found a place to stay. The rest will take care of itself, right?

By the way, I do not appreciate the country shutting down just as I am about to go there. That’s not really giving a friendly vibe and rolling out the welcome wagon you know?

I'll leave you with this picture I took today.
Yes, I'm abusing the filters on instagram. But it's pretty. 

The next sunset I see will be in San Francisco. I'm looking forward to that.


Pembry said...

You are a way better Instagrammer than Gap and Tommy. They are the worst unless you like pictures of glasses of beer over and over.

Pembry said...

Also when you time travel do you appear naked like under the Terminator time travel rules?