Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fake it 'till you Make it

I’ve been having difficulties with my master thesis. Every time people have asked me about how it’s going, I’ve told them that it’s hard and I’m struggling.

I’ve been complaining about my master thesis so much lately that even I am getting tired of hearing about it.

No more talk of me being tired. No more ‘woe me, life is hard’-shit.

I am going to fake it until I make it.

And believe me I’m going to make it.

Hand-in is in 71 days, so let’s get down to business.

I’m writing a case-study about

hitRECord is an open collaborative production company that has produced several short films, books, posters, t-shirts, etc. It is directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and I think the mention of his name, merits a picture of him.

I have a folder in my thesis project called motivation, which is filled with pictures of JGL. Yeah. Don’t judge me)

hitRECord is currently producing a TV-show to be aired on Pivot, a new cable network, in the spring of 2014, and from what I can gather, they are on track to deliver eight episodes as promised.

Showing their content on a cable network is bound expose hitRECord to a new audience and to attract more users to their website. I’m curious as to whether they have the organizational, managerial, and technical infrastructure in place to handle this expected growth.

The hitRECord website already has 200.000 users, so they’re not a small organization – this is not a case-study of how to go from a small entrepreneurial company and onto the next level. This is a case-study of how to transform a thriving business into a noticeable player in the ‘major league’ of Hollywood movie production.

I could go on but I’m finishing up a section of my theoretical foundation.

I will talk to you later.


Pembry said...

You have a folder on your computer if handsome dudes? Me too!

Pembry said...

God this blog is so much better than Weak Thrust...

Cat Jensen said...

... flattery will get you everything.

And who is in your dude-folder?

Pembry said...


/buys engagement ring for Cat and starts planning future together

My handsome dude folder is mostly Affleck with a sprinkling of Willem Dafoe

Vivien Chamberlin said...

I know how you feel. I thought that the hard times was going to stop when I finally decided on a thesis topic, but little did I know that it was just going to get harder from there. Come to think of it, nothing about thesis writing is really easy.

Cat Jensen said...

Yeah I'm getting that too. But I've also heard that nothing worthwhile doing was ever easy to do.

I'm feeling confident that the end result will be fine though. Hopefully even awesome too. And when I'm done I'll do a victory dance that'll last a week.