Friday, March 30, 2012

The Goo vs. The Cat

This has become a battle of wills, and I refuse to lose.

The goo from the brain has vacated the premises. It’s left a very red nose, though. And I’m now waging a battle to suppress the Evil Cough. Little does it know that I’m planning a counterattack of tea with fresh lemon and ginger.

It won’t stand a chance.

Oh well. At least I’m getting some exercise from all this coughing (coughing counts as exercise, right?)

And just to stress the fact that I’m not sick, I’m going out tonight to paint the city red with a friend of mine. She found a grey hair and is freaking out. She’s only 23 years old and she regularly colors her hair, so I don’t see how she could possibly have a grey hair. But who am I to question a perfectly good excuse to get drunk and dance the night away?

I’ll probably wake up tomorrow with no voice and a craving for pizza and Coca-Cola. Good times are to be had.

I’ll go make myself some tea now.

Have a lovely Friday.

1 comment:

Gap_Theory said...

Coughing gives your rock hard abs. I should know, I'm practically a licensed fitness trainer.