Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blurred Life

Sometimes I think about how others live their lives.

A glance at my Facebook feed tells me they’re either getting drunk, getting married, or having kids.

But do they all get up in the morning and want to do whatever it is they’re doing?

I feel like the days of my life is blurring together. There’s work. There’s studying. There’s the occasional beer or coffee with a friend. And there is sleep. In between that I try to squeeze in some exercise and if I’m really lucky an episode of Attack on Titan or Breaking Bad.

But like, that’s my life. That is how my time is spent.

I don’t know. It feels kind of empty.

Maybe it will get better once I no longer have school.

I think I’m just tired. 

Next post will be better. I just missed posting on this blog.


Pembry said...

I miss you so much Cat! I quit Weak Thrust because I can't bear to contribute without you there. We should start our own blog. About cod and mops.

Pembry said...

Oh and stop everything you are doing and watch all of Breaking Bad; greatest show of all time.

Cat Jensen said...

We need some vegetables as well. On our blog that is. It's a thing that is missed in most blogs. And if they're in a blog, it's mostly just to make you feel guilty for not eating them. Which is kindda weird you know?

I'm saving the few episodes I have left of the last season to a day when I need to escape the wonderful experience of writing my thesis. That show is really just pure magic for the last season. So unbelievable good. Like, I know it's a cliche, but it's a show about meth, and it's sooooo addictive.