I love reading advice columns. I’m not sure what this says about me, but hey, there’s a lot of emotionally grey goo bottled up inside me and one of the ways I deal with it is by reading these kinds of columns.
My very favorite advice columnist is Dear CokeTalk. As you can gleam from the title of her blog, it’s not exactly words of wisdom from a puritan. But that’s exactly the point. Start here for some of her good stuff (but who am I kidding? It’s all good).
I’ve never asked her for advice although I’ve often thought about it.
But the thing is I’m pretty clever. And I know that the answer to whatever question I ask lies in the question itself.
And I guess I haven’t been able to find the right question yet.
The answer is 42. But what is the question?
I read Dear Abby:
Uuh. A new place to go to read about personal problems that aren't mine. :-)
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