Friday, September 23, 2011


Whether they’re open or closed, there is always something intriguing about them. Especially the ones that you aren’t supposed to open. The dangerous ones.

Your eye catches one of these forbidden doors. You find it oddly fascinating.

You take a step forward. Then another. You can’t take your eyes of the door as you slowly get closer

You begin to anticipate the moment where you will open it and see what it hides. You can feel the air of excitement that seems to arise as you get closer.

You feel a soft wind blowing in your hair as you stand before the forbidden door. Endless possibilities lie behind that door.

The wind tussle your hair and make your thoughts dance.

You turn the knob and push the door open, but the door is caught by the wind. It is torn out of your hands.

The door swings towards you and slams into you with incredible force.

You fall backwards.

As you lie on your back, catching your breath you see blue sky above you and will yourself to get up again.

The first thing you notice is that the door is no longer there.

That’s okay.

The sky is blue and there’s a soft wind blowing.

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