Thursday, March 3, 2011

Living your dreams

Whenever I go to an airport, I get this feeling of wonder and excitement, as if anything is possible. I see planes leaving for Greece, New York, Dubai and if I really wanted to, I could step aboard one of those flights and just travel the world.

Sometimes I get this same feeling of ‘Everything-is-possible’ from watching Doctor Who. I mean, am I the only one who’s ever fantasized about becoming the Doctors companion?

Picture of the Tenth Doctor, because really, why not?

This afternoon I’ be heading out to Copenhagen Airport and board a flight that will take me to Stansted, England. I’ll be staying with friends not far from London and on Saturday I’ll be going to The Doctor Who Experience!!! (Yes, three exclamation marks, because it’s THAT awesome!)

Step into the TARDIS and be part of the adventure… – starring you as the Doctor’s companion"

I mean, can you believe it? Yesterday I wanted nothing more that to get in to a car with Aaron Paul and just drive far, far away. Today I get to board a plane headed to London. And I get to be the Doctor’s Companion on Saturday!

 Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor, standing in front of the TARDIS.

This is what Steven Moffat had to say about the exhibition:
“The Doctor Who Experience is a fan’s dream come true […]This is the day the Doctor teaches you how to fly the TARDIS through time and space, and takes you into battle with all his deadliest enemies in a brand new adventure.“

I treasure these moments where it feels like I’m living my dream-come-true.

Gives me hope that my other dreams will come true as well (yes I’m looking at you, Great-big-publishing-deal and you, Road-trip-with-Aaron-Paul).

If you can dream it, you can live it.

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