Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The tripple 'A'

I’ll be turning 25 shortly. And when I think about my life, I really like it.

I like my job. I like my day-to-day life. I like the coffee-shop just around the corner from where I live and where I spend far too much of my money. I like my home and all the things I’ve filled it with. I like my life and all the people in it (including you, my dear interweb-friend).

But. . . I also feel trapped.

I’m ashamed of admitting it. How dare I feel trapped when my life is so good? Why can’t I be content with what I’ve got? My life is a plethora of awesome, compared to the lives of others.

But it still feels as though I am in a prison of my own making.

And sure, I really like this place I’m in. It’s great. I get to spend my time with people I love, doing things I enjoy. I shouldn’t feel trapped.

But to be perfectly honest? I do feel trapped.

And even as I try to escape this place I’m in, I get more tangled in it.

I want a life filled with adventure, action (instead of just thoughts) and awesome people. I want to be silly. I want to say yes, more than I say no. I want to get lost and find something more than just the way back home.

Ideally the Doctor would come in his TARDIS and show me the universe. But while I'm stuck here on Earth, I might as well make the best of it, and explore it a little bit.

Any suggestions for adventures I could go on?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Good advice

Q: How do I stop feeling so darned lost?
A: Feeling lost implies some sort of emotional, intellectual or physical destination. You’ll stop feeling lost when you realize that there is no destination. There is only the present moment.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January blues

I feel like all I do is wrong.

Yeah. Even that sentence was off.

Question: Why does the bad stuff matter more than the good?
Answer: Because I let it.
Solution: To smile. Yes really; just smile.

I've been smiling now. And I've realised something. 

I don’t want to be amazing.

Now, I wouldn't mind if you all think I am. I mean. It's not a bad adjective at all. But to actually strive to be amazing? That is hard work.

I don't want to be amazing.

I simply want to be amazed.