So I'm guessing nobody is really that interested in how I'm doing with NaNo this year, but hey it's my blog and I get to choose what's on it. Deal with it. (No - I am not having an argument with my non-existing readers, what would make you think that?)
So far things are going great. I've decided to write about a character that is hopefully a mix of Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes and Dexter Morgan. I mean, three awesome men all rolled into one. What could posssible go wrong? (okay, don't answer that)
I have to admit that I'm picturing him like the Tenth Doctor. Dear blogreaders, meet Kant.
There's two of them, doubble-yay!
Anyway, the story I'm writing, is the kind where anything (and I do mean anything) can happen. I'm hoping this will make it easier for me to avoid writing myself into a corner. Yeah. One can dream.
I got 2.500 words down today, which means I'm still behind, but I'm catching up and I have a good feeling about this story and this character. This going to be fun!
Btw, this is my profile on NaNoWriMo: Calije
Btw, this is my profile on NaNoWriMo: Calije